Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis Master Informatics (Summer)

Bachelor Applied Computer Science
Bachelor Informatics
Bachelor Medical Informatics
Master Digital Media (Summer)
Master Digital Media (Winter)
Master Informatics (Summer)
Master Informatics (Winter)

1. Semester
Databases and Information Systems Artificial Intelligence
Project I Summer Project Management
Subject Medical Informatics
Consumer Health Informatics
Subject Network and Mobile Computing
Mobile User Experience
Subject Security and Forensics
Media Security
Core elective catalog M-INF-W
Wahlpflichtmodule Informatik I (Summer)

2. Semester
Software Architecture and Quality Assurance
Subject Medical Informatics
Digitale Transformation im Gesundheitswesen
Subject Network and Mobile Computing
Model Driven Software Development
Subject Security and Forensics
IT and Media Forensic Cryptography an Network Security

3. Semester
Project II Summer Web- and Data Science
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Recherchieren, Schreiben, Präsentieren
Core elective catalog M-INF-W
Wahlpflichtmodule Informatik III (Summer)

4. Semester

5. Semester

6. Semester