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MEDI  Project-oriented Studies Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Stefan Kim    eMail
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schrader    eMail
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Syrjakow    eMail
Prof. Dr. Baltasar Trancón Widemann    eMail
Prof. Dr. Georg Merz   
Prof. Dr. Emanuel Kitzelmann    eMail
Prof. Dr. Michael Pilgermann   
Prof. Dr. Angela Pohl    eMail
Prof. Dr. Jessica Broscheit    eMail
Term 1
Course Classification : Bachelor Medizininformatik CH 2
Language : Deutsch Type
Type of examination : SL  Credits
Method of evaluation : term paper with oral examination 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features : Teaching strategy
Flexibly organised compact lectures (5 days in 2 weeks during the semester) including contact hours, self-study (working groups), web-based support as necessary, 2 hours weekly

Mode of assessment
Full participation at the first part
Second part: successfully completed group work including presentation and documentation of the results
without grading  
Teaching aims : Students know how to use facilities at the University of Applied Sciences, such as the library, laboratories, and examination offices.
They have acquired social competencies and general learning skills through group work on topics of computer science (B.Sc. Informatik, B.Sc. Applied Computer Science) and medical informatics (B.Sc. Medizininformatik)
Students are able to apply methods and techniques of project management and they can use presentation techniques. Beyond that, they know how to solve problems cooperatively.
They have got an overview of the broad range of courses offered at the department of computer science and media and they are in an excellent starting position for successful studies.  
Contents :

First Part:
(2 days at the beginning of the semester): visit of the library, introduction into self-organization and cooperative work, presentation of the IT-infrastructure and the learning platform Moodle, choice of a topic for the second part (group work).

Second Part:
self-organized (guided) group work (8-9 weeks), participation at the workshops: "presentation techniques" and "course organization", developing of presentations and guided exercises on the results of group work; final presentation of group work (3 days mid-semester). 

Literature : Exemplarisch:
Knauf H., Knauf M. (Hrsg. 2003): Schlüsselqualifikationen praktisch. Bielefeld.
Siemsen K. H. (2001): A cognition-oriented project-study for students of computer science during the first semester Summer 2001. Projektbericht. Emden.  

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