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MEDI  Operating Systems / Networks Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Martin Schafföner    eMail
Philipp Grigarzik    eMail
Term 3
Course Classification : Bachelor Medizininformatik CH 4
Language : Deutsch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : Operating Systems I together with concluding theory and practice elements in this course will give students a better understanding of operating system programming. They will be able to develop and implement adequate programming solutions based on performance considerations.
In addition, they will have an overview of the fundamental concepts and technologies of modern computer networks. Building upon a fundamental knowledge of client-server communication and protocols gained in the module section on web computing, protocol attributes and concepts will be dealt with in-depth, selected protocols will be presented in detail, and historical and modern examples will be treated.
Students should be able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different network solutions and develop a suitable network based on application demands.
The practical exercises will introduce students to operating system programming step by step. Students will be able to design and implement performance and distributed solutions, using, for example, sockets, threads, semaphores. 
Contents :

Input, output and device administration
Disk memory, clocks, terminals
GUI basics
File systems, implementation of file systems, directories
Using operating system interface for files, directories, sockets, shared memory, pipes, message queues, etc.
Overview of the ethernet, token ring, ATM, telephone, ISDN, ATM, WLAN networks
Ethernet network as an example, ISDN in detail
Detailed look at protocols with an emphasis on Ethernet, TCP/IP and ISDN
Fundamental concepts in computer networks, overview of network components: switch, routers, WLAN technology 

Literature : Glatz E.: Betriebssysteme: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Systemprogrammierung, dpunkt Verlag, 2. aktual. Aufl. 2010
Tannenbaum A.S.: Moderne Betriebssysteme, Pearson, 3. aktual. Aufl. 2009
Tannenbaum A.S.: Computernetzwerke, Pearson, 4. aktual. Aufl. 2003
Stein E.: Taschenbuch Rechnernetze und Internet, Hanser Fachbuch, 3. aktual. Aufl. 2007
Schill A., Springer T.: Verteilte Systeme - Grundlagen und Basistechnologien, Springer 2007  

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