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MEDI  Databases Course INF
Lecturers : Term 3
Course Classification : Bachelor Medizininformatik CH 4
Language : Deutsch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : Knowledge and understanding of basic concepts necessary for designing and implementing databases Students will be able to apply this knowledge to ER-modelling in practical exercises, relational data model depictions, using SQL to describe schemes, data manipulation in connection with practical exercises on their own databases. 
Contents :

Concept of database systems and architecture
Data models and data modelling:
- Entity relationship model / modelling
- Relational model: structure, operations, integrity
- Normalisation theory
Relational data manipulation / SQL
Variants of creating SQL applications

Literature : Kemper A., Eickler A.: Datenbanksysteme – Eine Einführung, 7. Aufl., Oldenbourg, 2009
Elmasri R., Navathe S.B.: Grundlagen von Datenbanksysteme, 3. Aufl., Pearson Studium, 2005
Heuer A., Saake G.: Datenbanken Konzepte und Sprachen, 2. Aufl., mitp Verlag, 2000
Schuber M.: Datenbanken Theorie, Entwurf und Programmierung relationaler Datenbanken, 2. Aufl., B.G. Teubner, 2007 

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