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INFB  Computer Systems Organisation Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Angela Pohl    eMail
Term 2
Course Classification : Bachelor Informatik CH 4
Language : Deutsch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : written examination 120 min 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges :  
Aids and special features : Mode of assessment
Additional assessments during the semester may be included in the final grading. 
Teaching aims : Students will know the basics of the architecture and organization of computer systems. They will be familiar with the components of x86 processor programming models and be able to program short algorithm using simple processor machine commands. They will have an understanding of the elementary internal computer processes and recognize the connection between computer architecture and computer organization on the one hand and computing performance on the other. They will have grasped the notion of the computer as a functioning unit comprised of function blocks working sequentially and they will be able to demonstrate the fundamental functions of these blocks using simple machine. 
Contents :

Components of a computer and their elementary realisation (processor, controller, register file and further memory elements), Von Neumann computing concept and Harvard architecture, dealing with machine commands, utilizing pipeline procedures
Programming model of simple x86 processors: command set, register set, operands, addressing and segmenting memory, types of address, command notation, ?
Programming examples in machine languages: Illustration of high language elements on the machine level, simple mathematics exercises, sub-routine technology, stacks and stack organization, stack utilization, interrupt technology, organization of input and distribution
Structure and functions of finite state machines, the development of transmission functions of elementary logic and arithmetic, structure of a controller 

Literature : Müller, Th. u.a.: Technische Informatik I: Grundlagen der Informatik und Assemblerprogrammierung, vdf Verlag, Zürich, 2000
Beierstein, Th. und Hagenbruch, O.: Taschenbuch Mikroprozessortechnik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2001
Siemers, Ch.: Prozessorbau, Hanser Verlag München, 1999
Märtin, Chr.: Rechnerarchitekturen, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2001
Further in-course materials on inter alia assembler programming
Further literature and course material from journals and the internet shall be recommended during the course.  

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